Friday, April 24, 2009

Sid Stein's Memory Loss

I was recently contacted by a woman I once dated. I hadn't had any contact with her in quite a while but she found me on AIM and instant messaged me. We exchanged a few pleasantries and then she asked if I remembered what I had said to her at a karaoke bar after she sang. Apparently, it was something nice and she was hoping I still remembered it. I didn't. I explained that due to aging, my memory isn't what it used to be. Some might consider that a liability, but it often comes in handy. Here's an example conversation:

Woman: Sid, did you mean everything you said last night?

Me: What did I say?

Woman: Forget it. Nevermind.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sid Stein's Psychic Saturday Night

I was out and about recently, enjoying some drinks and conversation at a local pub. Well into the evening, a group of seven women walked in. A few were attractive, a few not so much. I struck up a conversation with one brunette who was wearing one of the ugliest dresses I have ever seen. The polyester pink and white swirled dress notwithstanding, she was fairly good-looking. I had been drinking, so who knows for sure. Anyway, I bought her a drink and engaged in a few pleasantries. She asked me what I did for a living and I told her. So, I asked her what she did. She asked me to guess. I looked at her and decided to go for broke. I told her that I thought she worked for Blue Cross/Blue Shield. She said no. So, I asked her what she actually did do for a living. She told me she was in health care administration. I said, "Are you kidding me? I was pretty damn close. Maybe I guessed the wrong company, but geez, I had the right field." I got her number, but I don't think I am going to call her. I don't think I can get past her ugly dress.